
What To Do When You Hate Your Job !@#$%#%^$&%$%*%

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 I hate my job. I hate my company. I hate my boss. Many people do hate something or other about their work and I can’t keep track of how many times I’ve seen those phrases lately. Just like the song from Avicii vs Nicky Romero – I Could Be The One (Nicktim), sometimes we are trapped in the job that we don’t really want just because we do need money to survive.

What to Do When You Hate Your Job

That’s not good, for a couple of reasons. First of all, it’s tough to go to work every day when you hate it. Secondly, it really isn’t good to broadcast the fact that you hate your job all over the Internet.

That doesn’t mean you have to keep it. There are steps you can, and should, take to move on if you hate your job and you’re not happy at work. We spend too much of our time working to stay in a job or work environment we hate, or even dislike. Besides being happier, you’ll do a better job if you’re working at a job you love, or at least like.

Keep Your “I Hate My Job” Thoughts to Yourself

Even if you do hate your job, keep it to yourself and your family or close friends. Don’t tell the world, because the wrong person is probably going to see what you posted. Search Twitter for “I hate my job” to get an idea of what I mean.

Employees aren’t the only ones using social networking sites. Employers are there, too, and if you say it someone will probably read it. Tweets, for example, show up in Google search. And, if you aren’t careful about your Facebook privacy settings, you’re opening yourself up for the wrong person to see it there, as well.

You don’t want to lose your job before you start looking for a new one, just because you complained about it.

Instead, it makes more sense to strategically plan your exit from the company.

Hating Your Job

Being in the situation where you’re the person saying “I hate my job” can happen to any of us. It happens. The job might not be what you expected. Or, the job itself may be okay, but your boss or co-workers are awful. Perhaps you don’t like the schedule or your customers, or whatever.

If you’ve reached the point where you have acknowledged that you hate the job, it’s actually not a bad place to be at. At least you know and you can figure out what to do next.

Options for Staying

Don’t just quit your job.

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